Website Introduction:Sri Lanka Institute of Information Technology (SLIIT) is the largest IT degree awarding institute in Sri Lanka in the field of Information Technology, recognized by the University Grants Commission under the Universities Act. The SLIIT was established in 1999 to educate and train IT professionals required by the fast growing ...
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Website Introduction:The Institute for Intergovernmental Research has been in business for over 42 years, serving the leading industries of state, local, tribal, and federal law enforcement and justice agencies. The Institute for Intergovernmental Research (IIR) promotes the delivery of many trainings and technical assistance services to the field.
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Website Introduction:Die Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt (PTB), Braunschweig und Berlin, ist das nationale Metrologie-Institut mit wissenschaftlich-technischen Dienstleistungsaufgaben. Sie misst mit höchster Genauigkeit und Zuverlässigkeit – Metrologie als Kernkompetenz.
keyword:PTB, Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt, Physik, Metrologie, Messtechnik, Messwesen
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Website Introduction:HTTPID® has the highest performing and most secure hosting environment in the world. Some of the worlds largest retailers, governments and financial institutions rely on our technology.
Common tools:whois translate Index search Webmaster Tools
Website Introduction:International Accreditation Organization (IAO) is offering accreditation grants of up to 97.5% to universities, institutes & schools. Apply Today!
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Website Introduction:Scar Healing Institute is a scar treatment clinic in Beverly Hills, CA with treatments for all types of acne scars and non-acne scars.
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